CEO / Founding Shareholder
01534 756400
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Career Highlights
– Gilts Broker- Grenfell and Colegrave, London. (1983-1984)
– Money broker- Kirkland Whittaker Jersey (1984-1985)
– MW Marshalls (1985-1986)
– Gilts Fund Manager- Cater Allen Jersey (1986-1988)
– Derivatives Broker-Harlow Butler Jersey and London (1988-1992)
– ICAP London 1992-2011. Set up multi-currency Short IRS desk 1992
Jerry has spent all of his working life in interest rate related financial roles.
He co-founded JCAP Treasury Services with Carl Corbel in 2009 when they identified, post the financial crisis, that there was demand for a company who could provide specialist treasury services to the corporate and fiduciary sectors.
Having worked in the City of London for most of his career, Jerry returned to Jersey in 2011 to work full time at JCAP.
He is married with two children, a member of the JRFC and a trustee for the Dave Thompson Boxing Trust.